Cranes are marvelous machines and an essential component across many industries including manufacturing, warehousing, construction, and more. Operating cranes requires extensive training as well as adherence to set safety standards developed to protect the crane, crane operator, and surrounding areas.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, more than 250,000 crane operators and an even larger number of surrounding workers are at constant risk of serious injuries or even death. In this blog, we highlight a few tips that are effective in ensuring safe crane operations.
Important Considerations for Crane Operators
Before operations can even begin, it’s absolutely vital that crane operators be properly trained when it comes to directing lifting operations. Workplace employees must be aware of safety crane operations which necessitates a firm understanding of how to plan and manage lift operations, the safe procedures associated with cranes, how to supervise lift operations, and reviewing the processes and operations carefully.
Despite the fact that mobile and tower cranes are used extensively for many construction projects, both experienced and inexperienced operators must be aware of three main dangers associated with crane operations:
Accidents caused by poor communications: Poor communication between workers and crane operators has led to people getting struck by moving cranes, resulting in serious injuries and even death.
Collapsing cranes: Overloads can cause cranes to collapse and cause massive damages to both property and lives.
Snapping sling lines and falling loads: Tight spaces and high winds are often the cause of loads falling from high heights and injuring those below.
Planning Lift Operations
The most powerful tool in preventing crane accidents is formulating a proper lift plan in advance. The plan ensures the safety of workers and bystanders by addressing all potential risks. Developing an effective plan depends on the theoretical and practical experience of supervisors.
Safe Crane Operations
As stated previously, safe crane operations depend on a carefully drafted lift plan that must be written down and understood by everyone involved in the project. The lift plan is often referred to as the “method statement” as well. The method statement involves crucial aspects of the plan including the planning details, selecting the proper equipment, scheduling maintenance, and highlighting all the safety measures that must be implemented throughout the project.

Competent crane and project supervisors should monitor the lift project from start to finish and ensure the smooth running of operations. Crane Warning Systems Atlanta provides crane warning systems including the Anti-two-block Warning system that alerts crane operators regarding incoming dangers and prevents accidents from taking place. Contact us today for more information.