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Crane Safety Regulations You Must Know

Cranes operating onshore

Cranes are heavy-duty industrial machines that make the loading, moving, and landing of heavy objects a breeze. Unfortunately, statistics reveal that an average of 22 workers is killed in crane-related accidents. Employers, site managers, and crane operators need to follow the crane safety standards to prevent any accidents. Here are crane safety regulations by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that you must know.

Frequent and Periodic Crane Inspections

Cranes comprise multiple components that enable them to lift heavy objects over long distances. Inspections allow employers and operators to detect and solve any malfunctions or failures that could result in accidents. According to 1926.1412, inspections are to be done daily, monthly, and yearly. Daily and monthly checks involve visual assessments of the crane components for damage, leakage, wear and tear. Yearly inspections are comprehensive and require disassembly for thorough inspections.

Operator Visibility

Cranes are large machines that can extend several meters and therefore should be in sight of the operator to ensure that the extension does not strike any person or property. According to 1917.45(f)(5)(i), any cracked or broken glass should be fixed, and no equipment should impair the operator's visibility. Cranes can be equipped with crane camera systems to extend the operator's visibility.

Overhead Power Line Contact

Cranes operate at high altitudes that can interfere with overhead power lines, making them susceptible to electrocutions. In fact, crane-related electrocutions are one of the major causes of fatalities on-site. According to 1926.1408(a)(2), employers and utility providers must de-energize the power lines before starting any crane operation. The standard further states that no part of the crane, be it the load line or any other crane component, should be within a 20 feet radius of the power line.

Cranes loading shipping containers

Crane Overloading

According to 1910.179(b)(5), cranes should be marked with the rated load, and the load carried shouldn't exceed the mark. Overloading can topple the crane over and endanger anyone under or around the crane. In fact, 80% of crane damages are a result of exceeding the rated load. Crane load indicators can alert operators and prevent overloading accidents.

Crane Warnings Systems Atlanta is a trusted distributor of crane safety equipment from reliable brands such as RaycoWylie, Motorola, and Hytera. We've been in business for 20 years and have equipped many crane operators and crews with affordable yet high-quality crane warning systems. If you want to know more, check out our range of RaycoWylie crane products.

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