It is only a crane that can make heavy-lifting easier at construction sites and other industrial work facilities. Crane systems are primarily responsible for all the work that is done to accomplish huge tasks in such facilities. They are unquestionably the most crucial apparatus that is needed at production hubs, logistics facilities etc. A lot of industries depend on crane systems to perform day-to-day operations and making profits from what they do by safely undertaking necessary chores. Needless to say, cranes have over time become the core of several businesses.
However, just because cranes are designed to help us, one simply can’t deny the fact that they are machines and can fall into a state of disrepair. While there are some built-in crane safety systems in
modern cranes, they still need to be operated with caution to ensure the safety of merchandice, premises, and the people involved.
If operated carelessly, cranes can result in serious accidents and losses which are actually preventable if safety precautions are complied with.
With that said, here are 4 safety tips that you should never fail to abide by if you are engaged in crane operations.
1. Qualified, Trained Workers with Certifications
Sure, cranes do have crane safety systems that play a prominent role in preventing accidents but you can’t expect these systems to save you in case the crane indicator information they deliver are avoided. This is what happens when crane operations are left to those who aren’t qualified and well-trained.
Crane operators must be aware of the equipment fully and know how to make the most of the crane safety systems including tools like crane load indicators, crane wind speed indicator and ATB systems to ensure smooth operations.
2. Inspection of Equipment and Load before Lifting
When operating a crane, the equipment and load should be inspected beforehand. Visual inspections can help you identify wear and tear and other signs of damages. If you are able to locate any of these, you must not attempt to operate the crane until the problem is fully resolved. Crane indicators are an operator aide and they should be in working order when the crane is in service.
3. Ensure a Safe Work Site
Everyone involved in crane operations is equally responsible to ensure work site safety. Those who are working on the ground should be wary of overhead crane operations on their own and must also get regular reminders about keeping a safe distance around cranes. In this case, pre-planning your lifting operations will allow you to announce designated activity timing to clear out the site before operations begin.
4. Review Safety Checklists
Cranes are complicated and there is no question about it. Regardless, the least you can do to ensure smooth functioning and avoid accidents is abiding by the safety checklist when operating one. You can either develop a checklist of your own or use standardized checklists like the one developed by US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration agency.
Don’t hesitate from upgrading or revamping crane safety systems with the latest tools and technologies like wireless anti-two-block crane, wireless wind speed indicators, crane load indicators and crane LMI systems. When it comes to crane operations, the impact of a little expense in revamping cranes and hard work to implement safety precautions can go a really long way.
Head to Crane Warning Systems Atlanta now to upgrade your crane’s safety system!