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Starting a Construction Business: Important Do’s and Don’ts For Ensuring Wind Safety

In our last “Starting a Construction Business” blog, we discussed crane capacity indicators and how they contribute to safer operations.

READ: All You Need To Know About Crane Capacity Indicators

In this blog, we’re going to discuss a hidden danger that surrounds your construction site: strong winds.

The wind is a significant hazard for construction operations, even on a regular day. Therefore, you must always be prepared to mitigate strong wind-induced hazards.

Here are some DO’s and DON’Ts to help you ensure job site safety:

DO provide Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

The importance of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) cannot be overstated, especially during a windy day.

For instance, protective earmuffs prevent strong winds noises from damaging workers’ ears.

Protective eyewear will keep workers protected from flying dust, debris, and will prevent sharp objects from damaging their eyes.

Moreover, protective hats will protect them from head injuries, while a harness will keep them from experiencing slip and fall accidents, and so on.

DON’T make covers at construction sites

It’s a common practice to create a shelter at a construction site (especially during summers) using covers—typically using fabric and plywood.

But it’s not a good idea when winds are strong, as they catch the wind, often leading to substantial damage.

If it’s essential to make covers, cut multiples holes around the middle to create a place for the wind to pass without wreaking havoc.

DO keep your equipment secured

Don’t underestimate the power of high winds. It can bring down structures, cause site-wide damage, and pose life-threatening dangers.

Moreover, it can drag objects—even the heavy tools and machinery that you thought wouldn’t budge—causing injuries to nearby workers and especially those who are working below.

Instruct your workers to place all construction tools horizontally on flat surfaces and secure them using cable or rope when not in use.

DON’T take wind gusts lightly

A gust is a sudden strong rush of wind that can pose a huge safety risk to your workers. It can be twice as fast as normal wind-speed, which can be extremely dangerous.

Postpone or delay any heavy-lifting operations if gusts are strong.  Also, keep all equipment and tools fastened and secure to avoid damage.

Train your employees to make sure that if gusts move any tools or gear, they are careful if trying to grab them. Otherwise, they risk losing balance and sustaining injuries.

DO Use a high-quality wind speed indicator

Don’t rely on the news or your judgment to assess the wind pressure. It doesn’t allow you to ensure safety at the construction site, especially when working at heights.

Invest in a quality wind speed indicator to see accurate readings of wind conditions. It can significantly improve the safety of your crane operations.

READ: The Importance of Wind Speed Indicators for Crane Safety

All cranes come with a safety manual with guidelines on wind safety. Make sure to suspend your operations if the wind speed exceeds the limits listed in the crane manufacture’s manual.

Use a reliable wireless wind speed indicator to get precise readings that will help you understand how your site is affected by gusts and wind currents.

Shop Quality Crane Safety Equipment Today

Crane Warning Systems Atlanta is a top RaycoWylie distributer in the United States. We sell high-quality crane safety equipment, including wireless crane wind speed indicator, at competitive rates to help your construction remain safe from wind hazards. If you’re interested in learning more about our products, give us a call at 1-877-672-2951 today!

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