Construction worksites are considered one of the most hazardous workplaces. There’s always a high risk of injury due to several big and small equipment machinery being in close proximity.
This is especially true for worksites with crane equipment. A functional crane machine is quite vulnerable to different types of accidents. Among these, there’s one risk that crane operators and managers must try to avoid at all costs: crane tip-overs.
In this detailed blog, you will learn all about crane tip-overs and their prevention strategies.
What is a Crane Tip-Over?
A crane tip-over is an accidental occurrence in which the equipment loading arm reaches and exceeds its load limit and tips over. Cranes are used for lifting, loading, and hauling heavy material, so it’s important that proper load limiting devices are used.
At the Crane Warning Systems Atlanta, you can get your hands on the best LMI and RCI systems by RaycoWylie along with the i4000 load indicator to prevent this risky accident.
Tips to Prevent Crane Tip-Overs
Here are the ultimate tips to prevent crane tip-overs:
1.Hire Professional and Trained Crane Operators
Handling, managing, and navigating cranes isn’t for an unskilled person. Companies with crane equipment must employ highly trained individuals for this task.
Your operator’s expertise will directly translate into better and improved crane safety. Some of the main skills that you must look for in a crane operator include:
Adequate eyesight
Overall medical wellness
No signs or instances of blood pressure issues
Strong grit
Strong communication skills
An ability to identify crane malfunctions timely
In addition, your crane operators must be licensed and certified by the authorized certification institutes and must possess the required badges and educational background.
2.Assess and Manage Material
Crane tip-overs are mostly caused due to crane personnel’s ineffective material inspection performance.
Before a crane operation, crane operators should assess the type of load they’ll be lifting using a crane. To make this process safer and more reliable, we strongly recommend crane owners install high-quality load and weight indicators to prevent overloading problems.
Special attention must be given to fragile items prior to crane loading. There must also be a close liaison between crane operators and signalers to improve worksite safety.

More Tips to Prevent Crane Tip-Overs
A properly functioning crane is critical for timely process completion. When it comes to working on construction and production projects, managers try to remove all kinds of barriers that may cause a delay. And they should also include crane accident risks in their list of obstructions.
To do so, the experts at the Crane Warning Systems Atlanta suggest the following:
Restrict crane operations to qualified personnel only. Don’t let unskilled operators take charge of heavy-duty crane equipment as it can lead to deadly accidents.
Perform end-to-end checks before and after a crane operation. This allows you to identify potential hardware and software issues in the equipment for timely repair.
Label all kinds of load limits for convenient and safe risk mitigation. The manufacturer's manual provides load limits, rated capacities, and other critical crane information.
Regularly train your employees about the latest crane safety practices.
Looking for the Best Crane Safety Instrumentation Products in the US? Look No Further than Crane Warning Systems Atlanta!
As a premium and highly renowned RaycoWylie equipment supplier in the US, we offer a diverse range of crane safety equipment at amazing prices.
Our product variety includes A2B indicators, wind speed indicators, load moment indicators, i4500 LMI system, i4507 RCI system, and much more. Contact us now for more details.