The long-awaited updates to OSHA’s final rule for operator qualification have finally been announced. The National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators published an employer’s guide on updated crane operator requirements. So without further ado, let’s go over OSHA’s update to crane operator qualifications.
OSHA’s new crane safety standards apply to any individual who operates a crane, except workers handling side boom cranes, derricks, or machines with lifting capacities of <2,000 pounds, provided they meet certain criteria mentioned in subpart CC.

Key highlights!
Determining operator competency — Crane operators who participate in construction-related activities will have to abide by the new final rule, requiring employers to train them as needed to perform assigned crane activities, evaluate their progress, and document the results.
Prior training exemption — Employers who conducted evaluation sessions before December 9, 2018, are not required to conduct re-evaluations; however, they will be required to document when new evaluations take place.
3-Step qualification process – As per paragraph (a) in subpart CC of 29 CFR 1926, employers are the responsibility to make sure that their operators are qualified to operate cranes and derricks without requiring continuous supervision. Hence, they must train, license, and evaluate operations.
Training process – Crane operators must be certified or licensed as per the final rule. In addition to that, they must receive the necessary ongoing training to ensure the safe handling of new equipment. Also, certifications should be based on capacity (optional) and type of crane.
What’s more?
Certifications no longer have to take account of the lifting capacity of cranes.
The effective time period for the certification of a worker remains unchanged.

What happens in case of non-compliance?
In case of non-compliance with the OSHA’s new crane safety standards, employers can face severe consequences. If the inspection report shows that an employer hasn’t made necessary efforts to maintain compliance, the regional administrations and state plan designers are specifically instructed to cite that employer for the deficiency.
While it’s important to comply with new OSHA guidelines, simply providing training is not enough. You should consider investing in crane safety equipment to ensure the safety of your crane workers.
Crane Warning Systems Atlanta has been in the crane safety industry for nearly two decades as a distributor for RaycoWylie crane safety equipment.
From crane LMI system to ATB warning systems, we have an extensive range of cost-effective, user-friendly, and top-quality crane safety systems to ensure safety when performing construction activities involving the usage of crane.
Protect your people and equipment and comply with OSHA regulations by using our equipment. To find out more, give us a call at 1-877-672-2951.
