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The Proper Way to Inspect a Crane

Construction companies and contractors that use cranes have to ensure through regular inspections and tests that the cranes are in proper working order. Today, we discuss some of the most common types of crane inspections, what they test, and how frequently they should be conducted.

truck mounted crane

Initial Inspections

The first type of inspection cranes must be subjected to is called the initial inspection. OSHA guidelines state that any new crane or any crane that has been altered or redesigned must be inspected. The inspection requires a test of any new, altered, or repaired parts conducted by an authorized crane inspector before the crane can be used. This test helps ensure that all newly installed components of a crane, or a new crane itself, have no malfunctions. A written report confirming the safety of new cranes or parts is required before they can be used on the construction site.

Functionality Inspections

The functionality test is a visual test conducted daily after each shift is completed. The important things that need to be looked out for are:

  • Improper adjustments in any of the operating mechanisms

  • Deterioration, leaks, or cracks in the various systems of the crane, i.e., hydraulic, air, tanks, drains, etc.

  • Wear and tear on the hoisting chains or distortion in the connecting links

  • Wear and tear on the crane hooks

  • Ropes matching the compliance guidelines

  • Worn out components in the operating mechanisms

high rise crane

Frequent & Periodic Inspections

Both of these types of inspections need to be conducted depending on the usage of the crane. For frequent inspections, inspections can occur monthly, weekly, or daily depending on if the usage is normal, heavy, or severe. These inspections don’t need to be recorded but are conducted and documented to let the next person using the crane know it’s safe.

Periodic inspections can occur yearly for normal and heavy usage and quarterly for severe usage. This inspection checks for wear on the operating parts of the crane to ensure all systems are functioning optimally and are safe to use.

Proper crane safety is a must on construction sites. Aside from regular inspections, crane safety systems are also required to let operators know when something is going wrong. At Crane Warning System Atlanta, we provide all sorts of safety mechanisms, including Anti-Two-Block warning systems and crane anemometer. Contact our team and order your required safety systems.

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